Stable Internet Governance Remote Hub

Created: 10-07-2015 - Updated: 10-07-2015

Category: Capacity Development
Location: Latin America & Caribbean


Hola Internet is a new LAC Internet Governance initiative with three parts:

1. News (already working)
A digital news channel (Web, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) for Worldwide and LAC IG news at

2. Capacity Building (in development)
An IG Program with support from an Argentinian University is being prepared for the beginning of 2016; and some other courses (What is IETF? / What is IPv6?) are being developed for 2016 also.

3. IG Permanent Remote Hub (looking for funding)
A permanent, free and open remote hub that will be available for the community for every IG related event with enabled remote participation around the world as IGF, LAC IGF, ICANN, IETF, etc.
In every country, as it happens in Argentina, local IG enthusiasts are spread around cities and there is a huge possibility they never have a chance to meet each other. Some of them may be able to get a scholarship or get into a fellowship program, but most of them won't; and remote participation from home makes it even more difficult be a real community member and participate.
Hola Internet believes that knowing each other personally creates stronger bonds, and from these bonds could grow great opportunities and projects. Community building comes before capacity building, so we intend to create a place for the local IG community to start and then make its collaborations to the wider world community.

How are we going to keep the hub woking? How is it going to be sustainable?

The hub is going to be maintained with the following sources:
- A co working space within the hub
- Hub space renting for other kind of remote events not overlapping with Internet Governance events
- Bar /Coffee: a small space will work as a bar / coffee
- Store: internet related products as cups, t-shirts, etc
- Internet related companies Funding

Alignment with the NETmundial Principles

The Stable Remote Hub will be an important tool in order to engage local people who cannot afford to attend the different IG meetings around the world. It will also create discussion spaces around IG matters.
It will definitely be aligned with NetMundial principles by allowing locals to participate in the different Internet Governance processes.

Alignment with NETmundial Initiative's Mission & Scope

Since the Space will be Free and Open, it will be a space for Internet Governance dialogue, working groups, engagement, capacity building, etc. A place where everyone could use the facilities to host their own IG event or participate remotely in every IG event around the world.
As the NetMundial mission states, it will facilitate participation in the Internet governance ecosystem, particularly by stakeholders from the developing world, and advance multistakeholder processes at the global, regional and national levels.

Project's #hashtag

capacity building, internet governance, remote, remote participation, hub

Funding requirements

US$ 43920

Expertise requirements

ICT Policy, Technical

Others resources

Education materials, teachers and speakers for different events



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