Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Platform for?

The Platform is an open space for collaboration, cooperation and solicitation of Internet governance project proposals and is available to anyone.

How can my project benefit from the Platform?

Among other things, the Platform is intended to elevate and foster global support for the bottom-up proposals presented by the community. Specifically, the Platform will serve as a resource and a bridge between interested parties who have concrete proposals and ideas and others who are willing to contribute with expertise, funding or other forms of contributions to achieve these stated proposals and ideas.

What is my role if I am not a project author?

As a member of the community, you have an important role to play in crowdsourcing ideas and crowd-supporting the projects presented through the Platform. It is the community that will assess and give more weight and legitimacy to projects that it wants to see supported.

How can I create and submit my own project?

STEP 1: Register for a free account.

STEP 2: Go to 'create a project' and follow the steps to complete the proposal template.

STEP 3: Your project proposal will be acknowledged upon submission and reviewed by members of the Secretariat and Coordination Council within 30 days to ensure that the minimum requirements outlined below are met:

i. Demonstrate alignment with the NETmundial Principles. ii. Articulate how activities relate to the mission and scope of the Initiative, as outlined in the ToR. iii. Indicate that project authors are willing to engage in regular public reporting and updating.

STEP 4: Upon confirmation from the Secretariat, all information will be published online.

STEP 5: Your project is now live. You may now engage with other members of the community, showcase your project, share information, rate projects and much more!

How can I identify funding sources or establish collaborative relationships through the Platform?

For all proposals presented through the Platform, the NETmundial Initiative may consider engagement in ways such as those listed below:

1. Provide and promote the use of a platform on which diverse actors can solicit project partners and establish collaborative relationships.

2. Publicize project needs and desired outcomes, as determined by project authors in consultation with the community, including through outreach at various relevant Internet governance fora, such as the IGF, through webinars, and other opportunities.

3. Serve as a catalyst and facilitator to help fund proposals.

4. Convene events and promote opportunities at which project authors can pitch their proposals to potential funders, foundations, philanthropists, etc.

5. Encourage community efforts and leverage networks to facilitate provision of expertise and project support for developing country communities, governments and underserved stakeholders.

6. Provide tools for project authors to report on progress and continued adherence to the NETmundial process Principles

What is the relationship between the Platform and the NETmundial Solutions Map?

Both activities have been endorsed by the NETmundial Initiative. These tools are built to enable practical cooperation between all stakeholders who are interested in addressing internet issues and advancing the implementation of the NETmundial Principles and Roadmap. Further, the taxonomies used by both tools are identical, allowing for full integration, as well as more reliable analysis of data.

I have additional questions, who do I contact?

For any questions, please email the NETmundial Initiative Secretariat at: