Using the Platform
STEP 1: Register for a free account.STEP 2: Go to 'create a project' and follow the steps to complete the proposal template. (You may skip this step if you are not a project author. This will allow you to view projects, comment, rate and much more).
STEP 3: Your project proposal will be acknowledged upon submission and reviewed by members of the Secretariat and Coordination Council within 30 days to ensure that the minimum requirements outlined below are met: i. Demonstrate alignment with the NETmundial Principles. ii. Articulate how activities relate to the mission and scope of the Initiative, as outlined in the ToR. iii. Indicate that project authors are willing to engage in regular public reporting and updating.
STEP 4: Upon confirmation from the Secretariat, all information will be published online.
STEP 5: Your project is now live. You may now engage with other members of the community, showcase your project, share information, rate projects and much more!
How Can I Benefit from the Platform?
If you are a project author, you may find different types of support, such as resources and expertise, as well as increase your own visibility.
If you are a potential funder, you may find interesting and endorsed projects, all of which are required to be aligned with the widely accepted NETmundial Principles developed in community consensus in São Paulo in April 2014.
Further, as a member of the global Internet community, you have an important role to play in crowdsourcing and crowd-supporting the Platform. It is the community that will assess and give more weight and legitimacy to projects that it wants to see supported. As a member of the community (not a project author) you may facilitate connections between project leads, identify existing expertise and resources, or provide reactions and feedback to proposals.